Data Accelerator Offload
Getting started Guide
Programmer’s Guide
Application User Guide
1. OVS Offload
2. VirtIO-l2fwd
3. Secgw-graph
4. Universal SmartNIC Turnkey App
5. Vector Packet Processing (VPP)
6. TLS Proxy with NGINX
7. Machine Learning
HowTo Guides
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Data Accelerator Offload
Application User Guide
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Application User Guide
1. OVS Offload
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Architecture
1.2.1. Packet Flow - Wire-VM Communication and vice versa
1.3. Getting the sources and compile
1.4. Setting up the Environment
1.4.1. Binding required devices
1.5. Launching the application
1.5.1. Understanding the output
1.5.2. Understanding different nodes
1.6. Various Packet Flow Scenarios (with demo)
1.6.1. Wire-VM Communication
2. VirtIO-l2fwd
2.1. Setting up EP environment
2.1.1. Setup SDP PF/VF count in EBF menu
2.1.2. Setup huge pages for DPDK application
2.1.3. Bind required DMA devices to vfio-pci
2.1.4. Bind required RPM VF’s to vfio-pci
2.1.5. Bind PEM BAR4 and DPI BAR0 platform devices to vfio-platform
2.2. Running the EP firmware application
2.2.1. EAL Options
2.2.2. Application Options
2.2.3. Example EP firmware command
2.3. Setting up Host environment
3. Secgw-graph
3.1. Features
3.2. Setting up environment
3.2.1. Setup of SDP and RPM devices
3.2.2. Setup huge pages for DPDK application
3.2.3. Bind required RPM VF’s to vfio-pci
3.2.4. Bind required SDP VF’s to vfio-pci
3.2.5. Bind required CPT VF to vfio-pci
3.2.6. Bind required Inline device PF to vfio-pci
3.2.7. Setting up Host environment
3.3. Running
3.3.1. EAL Options
3.3.2. Application Options
3.3.3. Application bootup logs
3.3.4. CLI terminal
3.4. CLI commands
3.5. Running as IPv4 router
3.5.1. Configuration
host2 IP from host1
3.5.3. How it works
3.5.4. Resolving Partial Routes
3.6. Running as IPsec gateway
3.6.1. Configuration
3.6.2. Check IPsec configuration
host2 IP from host1
3.7. Planned Features
3.8. Known Issues
4. Universal SmartNIC Turnkey App
4.1. Introduction
4.1.1. Feature List
4.2. Getting the sources and compile
4.2.1. Binding required devices
4.3. Launching the application
4.3.1. Application Options
4.3.2. Example Commands
4.3.3. Supported CLI commands
4.3.4. Runtime configuration
4.3.5. Application running demo
5. Vector Packet Processing (VPP)
5.1. What is VPP?
5.2. VPP Accelerations
5.3. Marvell’s High-Performance VPP for OCTEON
5.3.1. Installing and Running VPP for Packet I/O Acceleration Demo
5.3.2. Running VPP for Crypto offload Demo
5.3.3. VPP Documentation
5.4. VPP Usage and Integrations
5.5. Enhancing VPP IPsec offload with Strongswan Integration
5.5.1. Strongswan Integration
5.5.2. Configuring VPP IPsec route mode or policy mode
5.5.3. VPP startup.conf configuration and CLI commands
5.5.4. Strongswan configuration on DPU
5.5.5. Strongswan configuration on remote DPU/Host:
5.5.6. Ipsec Linux commands
6. TLS Proxy with NGINX
6.1. Introduction
6.2. NGINX Brief
6.3. NGINX as TLS termination proxy
6.3.1. Usage/deployment Model
6.3.2. NGINX Architecture Diagram
6.3.3. NGINX acceleration on OCTEON
6.4. Steps to Build
6.4.1. Getting Sources
6.5. Environment Setup
6.5.1. Enabling CPT device
6.5.2. NGINX configuration
6.5.3. OpenSSL configuration
6.6. Launching the application
6.6.1. Running the Proxy Application
6.6.2. Functional Testing of the Proxy
6.6.3. Performance Testing of the Proxy
7. Machine Learning
7.1. Resnet50
7.1.1. Introduction
7.1.2. Preprocessing of Input
7.1.3. Model Execution
7.1.4. Postprocessing of Output
7.2. LUCID
7.2.1. Introduction
7.2.2. Training Model
7.2.3. Run Script
7.2.4. References