4. Compiling Linux kernel from sources

Here are the general steps to compile a Linux kernel:

4.1. Get the Linux Kernel sources

Linux kernel sources can be downloaded from

git clone https://github.com/MarvellEmbeddedProcessors/linux-marvell.git
git checkout linux-6.1.x-release

4.2. Setting up the environment

To set up the workspace for either native or cross compilation of the kernel, the installation of the following packages is required:

sudo apt-get -y install build-essential imagemagick graphviz dvipng python3-venv fonts-noto-cjk latexmk librsvg2-bin texlive-xetex flex bison libssl-dev bc

4.3. Configuring and Building Kernel

4.3.1. Cross Compilation

Cross-compiling a Linux kernel involves building the kernel on one platform (the host) for use on another platform (the target). Here are the general Getting the toolchain

The cross-compiler toolchain is specific to the target platform. For example, to cross-compile a kernel for AArch64 on Ubuntu gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu is required.

sudo apt-get install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu Set environment variables

Export ARCH and CROSS_COMPILE environment variables. ARCH specifies the target architecture, and CROSS_COMPILE specifies the prefix for the cross-compile

export ARCH=arm64
export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- Configuring the Kernel

Use the following configuration obtained from the DAO repository to configure the kernel:

Kernel Config

cp cn10k.config <path_to_kernel_directory>/arch/arm64/configs/
cd <path_to_kernel_directory>
make ARCH=arm64 cn10k.config


If above steps reports “The base file ‘.config’ does not exist. Exit.” error. As a workaround, touch .config in make kernel directory and retry the step.

This generates a .config file which can be edited if a driver needs any changes in configuration such as enabling/disabling a driver, statically built-in or loadable module of a driver into kernel. Generating a kernel Image

make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- Image

With this, the Kernel Image is built and is located in arch/arm64/boot Generating and installing kernel modules

make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- modules

To install modules to a specific root file system, mount the rootfs first. Then, use the INSTALL_MOD_PATH environment variable to specify the root directory of the mount point.

make modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=<Path_to_rootfs_mount_point>
   make modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/mnt/disk

4.3.2. Native Compilation

Native compilation refers to where the kernel is built directly on the target machine Installing additional packages

Apart from the packages mentioned above, install additional packages on target

sudo apt-get -y gcc make Configuring the Kernel

Same procedure as described in cross-compilation section

cp cn10k.config <path_to_kernel_directory>/arch/arm64/configs/
cd <path_to_kernel_directory>
make ARCH=arm64 cn10k.config Building and install kernel modules

make ARCH=arm64 Image
make ARCH=arm64 modules
make modules_install

Kernel Image is built and located in arch/arm64/boot, while modules are installed to /lib/modules/`uname -r`

4.4. Kernel boot parameters

Some important kernel boot parameters that need to be defined before booting the kernel
