5. Create a Github Pull request

To create a GitHub pull request, follow these steps:

1. Fork the Repository: Navigate to the original repository you wish to contribute to and click on the ‘Fork’ button in the top-right corner. This creates a copy of the repository in your GitHub account.

2. Clone the Repository: Clone the forked repository to your local machine using the git clone command followed by the URL of your forked repository.

3. Create a New Branch: Create a new branch in your local repository using the git checkout -b command followed by the name of your new branch.

  1. Make Your Changes: Make the necessary changes in your local repository.

5. Stage Your Changes: Stage your changes for a commit using the git add . command.

6. Commit Your Changes: Commit your staged changes using the git commit -m command followed by a descriptive commit message.

7. Push Your Changes: Push your changes to your forked repository on GitHub using the git push origin command followed by the name of your branch.

8. Create a Pull Request: Navigate to your forked repository on GitHub, switch to your branch, and click on the ‘New pull request’ button. Fill in the necessary details and click on ‘Create pull request’.

9. Pull request via command line: Pull request can be created and send via following commands

# pip3 install git-pull-request     - Install git pull request addon
# git pull-request --dry-run        - to check if everything is fine
# git pull-request                  - Create Pull request


# Optional, “Use git pull-request –setup-only” in the cloned official repo to create a fork of odp in you git account

  1. Your pull request shall be listed in following link:


Remember, each pull request should contain one logical change and the changes should be isolated to one branch. Also, make sure your code adheres to the project’s coding standards and guidelines.